We are a safe space.

RPG-A-THON strives to provide a safe space for all, free of judgement, discrimination and harassment. We want people to express themselves safely, feel comfortable and welcome. Let’s all respect each other and have fun!

Code of Conduct

 By entering the event venue, you agree to conduct yourself appropriately, with the following in mind.

  1. Anyone asked to stop harassing behaviour must comply or be asked to leave. Everyone must be treated with respect.

  2. To confirm your seat at our game tables, you must provide an ID.

  3. Vaping, alcohol and drug use are not permitted on premises. Please use designated areas to smoke.

  4. Let’s respect our venue. clean up after yourself, and be considerate when using the venue facilities.

  5. Do not move tables without clearing it with RPG-A-THON team first. They are set up to maximise the user experience.

  6. Don’t hog tables; leave space for others to play next to you. Clutter must be removed if it affects other’s experience.

  7. Photography is permitted, BUT it can’t disrupt RPG-A-THON activities and you must acquire your subjects consent before taking the photograph.

  8. By attending RPG-A-THON, you consent to having our staff photograph and take videos with you in them. These will be used exclusively for event and promotional purposes.

  9. Repeated or extreme breaks of our Code of Conduct, will results in that individual’s immediate removal from the event without a refund, and a potential ban.

We do not tolerate harassment of fellow gamers, volunteers, exhibitors, or staff in any form, including (but not limited to):

○     Offensive comments, discrimination, or unfair treatment based on gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age, or religion.

○     Sexual images in public spaces.

○     Intimidation, stalking, or following.

○     Photographing or filming someone without their permission.

○     Sustained disruption of talks or other events.

○     Uninvited physical contact.

○     Unwelcome sexual attention.

○     Advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behaviour.

What should I do if I’m being harassed?

If you are subjected to unacceptable behaviour, and you feel safe to do so, ask the offender to stop.

If you feel unsafe, or the behaviour doesn’t stop, please contact one of our volunteers or staff members. You can find someone at our RPG-A-THON table or roaming around the venue. 

We’ll make sure that your are taken care off, while addressing your concerns.

We will do our best to resolve the issue, while keeping your well being in mind. If we can’t resolve your concern, or we’re dealing with a criminal matter, we may choose to involve the authorities. If you deem it necessary, we will keep you anonymous.